In the evolution of technology, various instruments and interfaces have been developed to harness these cutting-edge technologies, yet many fail to endure like their traditional counterparts. While technology attracts attention, its appeal doesn’t guarantee sustainability. For the longevity of these creations, it is imperative to address the fundamental question of why musicians need these new interfaces. This is precisely the focus of MIeX, a venture that navigates the convergence of Music Interaction and Human-Computer Interaction. MIeX strives to enhance the creative practices of live performers through experimental research in the design of devices.
MIeX aims to empower performers to fashion diverse expressions and generate data, seamlessly transmitting it wirelessly to a computer through Open Sound Control (OSC). The resulting data can then trigger additional actions and undergo Digital Signal Processing (DSP), paving the way for avenues of artistic exploration and sonic manipulation. In essence, MIeX endeavors to not only introduce technology but also to ensure its sustainable integration into the artistic realm by addressing the core needs of musicians.
In the design process, emphasis has been placed on how these devices can contribute to long-term sustainability. Preference has been given to repurposed and recycled materials, and to ensure future reproduction, components readily available at electronic stores have been predominantly utilized. While compromise between quality and costs is necessary, the priority has been to choose more accessible and affordable materials, provided the quality remains acceptable.
- Wired Glove
- Digital Baton
- Recycled Objects
-Cookie Bytes
-Water Sound Machine (Hydrophone)
-Sweet Piezo Boxes - Brainwave Monitor
- Gyros (iPhone)
Join new_LOrk
If you would like to experience MIeX as an NYU student, please join new_LOrk (New York University’s Laptop Orchestra). The spring 2024 auditions will be arranged soon, so feel free to email me at myh229@nyu.edu. Any musical or technological knowledge will be useful, but new_LOrk is open to anyone!